Well since I am absolutely vella, I thought of writing something for my bloggae(no that’s not what I call it but just an arbit thing which came into my mind(see I am so vella?(in fact vella enough to goon putting bracket after bracket(Stop it!))))(Ok so check if they are all closed!). And what better thing to write about than my vellaness-The inspiration behind this post!
So these days even though college is of I am still residing in my dear WD-17 at Shivalik reason being I am doing an intern here in Noida with a Multinational VLSI Design Company(See me boasting!:) )(P.S. Does anyone know how to put a smiley in brackets? Somehow I am never able to do that comfortably) Virage Logic International. (Ya now go back there and read where I left off and started the bracket!)Okkk Intern ... you must be thinking that how can I be free when I am interning. Aaah! That friends is the thing. I had heard it from every one of my seniors.."Koi intern pe kucch nai (mazdoor style!)seekhta". But I didn’t believe it till today I am sitting in my office and writing this post!!!I mean I literally do NOTHING here. Take a look at my average day schedule"
9AM: Reach Office. Switch on PC. Open Gmail, FB... check for new mail or notifications.
9:15: Go to Cafeteria(Yes the company has its own and what's more, catering is by Yellow Chilies that guy Sanjeev Gupta's company) for breakfast
9:45: Open a couple of design files. Play around a bit. Get bored. Doze off.
10:30: Wake up. Have a drink of water. Faced with nothing better to do, so open up BlogSpot. Start reading random posts by random people.
12:00: Realize with a shock what you are here for as Boss walks in. Says it’s nice you blog also. Sometimes I wonder if I should tell him that as far as his office is concerned, I JUST blog!
12: 15: After a discussion with boss get back to blogs.
1:00: Say hi to my gf who logs in around this time.
1: 15: Head off for lunch
1;45: Chat with gf
4:00: Gf logs off and reprimands me for not working. Threatens with dire consequences if I don’t do something constructive. Gives moral lecture. I enjoy every bit of her!( I love you qti!)
4:15: Try to work. Give up
4:45: Log onto to Google news and read the day's happenings
5:20: Pack up my bag and leave
See how vella I am??? Gosh. The only thing I can think of right now is going back to hostel and playing counterstrike with the guys! Hmm... ya I think its best to end this here. I don’t want to be killing with boredom those few holy souls who read my blog! Take care guys. Maybe next time I’ll come up with a better post!!!
(P.S. ya the real reason for logging off is that its time for lunch!!!)
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