It was all so rosy till yesterday
When I could live and laugh with ease
When I could shower my love on you
When happiness I could feel
Just yesterday when I took her out for a date
Just yesterday when I solved her physics probs
Just yesterday when we had that war of PJs
Just yesterday when you said, “Stop that son”
Just yesterday when my heart used to skip beats
In wait of your call
Just yesterday when I responded with zeal
To the questions of you all
Just yesterday when my heart was complete
Just yesterday when I could sing with feel
Just yesterday when I was sometimes free
Just yesterday when my life was being lived
But today it’s all crass and monotonous
Today no longer can I feel
That same love that same affection
Which once would lift me off my feet
And each and every one of you have said
An I confess I too feel
That there’s something not fully right
There’s something missing... that feel
But somehow I can no longer turn
My carriage onto my own turns
Somehow it’s the force of the wind
That’s driving my cart now
And as I cry and pen down this
My heart cries to you all
Oh friends and lover, oh mum and sis
I still love you... and its you that I most miss.
Give me time to sort this out
Give me the space to fall and rise
So far my life’s been a mess that you always sorted
Now let me do it at least one time
And then I promise I will return
That lively, cheerful, loving one you knew
And return shall our loving ties
And normal life will resume
I don’t think if this can rightly be called a poem. Looks more like a self confession to me. And so it is too. But had I not got it out of me I would have broken down. You see Dumbledore’s pensive was nothing but a storehouse of emotions he wished to fully feel later. And so is my blog. And so like Dumbledore I too pick my feelings stran by strand and put them here... to dwell on them in full sometime soon. Happy reading!
All I want for Christmas is you.
2 years ago
oye avp itna dukhi kyun ho ra hai????
vo pb shelley ka kya tha......
if winter comes can spring be far behind???
chill mar.
all's goin to be ok....
p.s. haye bhagvan....blog update bhi kiya to itni dpressing post ke saaath. kuchh ni ho sakta logon ka...(or wait...am i being a hypocrite??:)
not dukhi yaar... self realisation cant be termed as dukhi... nor as sukhi...it just is
and hypocrite??? hmmm... lemme c... No Comments! ;)
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