Monday, November 17, 2008

Look Before You Love

Its more booful than the bestest flower
Sweeter than the sweetest sweet
Spreads fairer fragrance than the poshest perfume
And binds bonds better than any adhesive

It crafts creative geniuses from nowhere
And crass cacophony gives way to melody
The macho’s mean machine gives way to a pansy in its place
The bank balance too is not safe

Everywhere it’s a special face found
Somehow surroundings seem fresher than before
Perpetual emptiness leaves fulfillment
And joy drops from eyes as pearls

All conquering it drives conquerors to slaves
As self worth appears worthless
And suddenly a new dimension is discovered
To the geometry of life

Oh yes! I know this
For its my own life that its taken
So hark oh innocent victim
For all is not as it seems to be

Takes it more than it can ever give
Though joy it gives in giving
And responsibility it demands
For its someone else’s life you choose to keep

Sorrow stems too from it
More perennial than joy and worse
Wounds it leaves though beneath the surface
And its scratches are hard to heal

Play not oh denizen with this fire
For some plays can leave terrible impacts
And a burning desire if betrayed
May consume self and take you with it

But if play does you or someone with it
Remember reality’s just across the stage
And don’t let run away yourself
Into the quagmire of grief

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